In order to get into a top college, a student needs more than just good grades and good test scores. Top colleges get far more highly qualified applicants than they have space for. So how do top colleges decide which students to admit? Since top colleges see themselves as educating the future leaders of society, they look for students who show such potential by demonstrating exceptional achievements while in high school. Sports, music, after school clubs and volunteer work are great, but they’re also done by virtually every student in the country. Unless your child has distinguished himself/herself in one of these extracurriculars, s/he is really just part of the crowd.
In order to help students build the type of resumes that get them into top colleges, MyEdMaster has developed extracurricular programs to supercharge students’ college applications. Our most powerful is the tech entrepreneurship program, winner of the Technology Innovator Awards 2024 in the category of Best K-12 AI &Machine Learning Tuition Provider in Virginia. Led by Dr. John Leddo, president of MyEdMaster and METY Technology (MyEdMaster’s spinoff company), a Yale PhD with 35 years of experience as a business owner/entrepreneur, and over 40 years of experience in AI, the tech entrepreneurship program is for students who are interested in careers in computer science, data science, medicine, business, or combinations thereof.
In the tech entrepreneurship program, each student gets 1-1 attention as s/he works with our team of 50 and our 10 partner universities in the US, Canada and England to develop innovative, cutting edge commercial products involving AI and machine learning. The student can pick one of our ongoing products in health or education to work on, or, if the student has his/her own viable product idea, our team can mentor the student and help him/her build and market that product.
The tech entrepreneurship program runs 12 weeks. Admission is on a rolling basis, meaning the student can join at any time and renew as many times as s/he wants. Each student receives 1 hour per week of 1-1 instruction in the areas of his/her choice: computer science programming (choice of programming, AI/ML, UI/UX, databases), data science or business instruction. The student is also assigned to a product team and a mentor who will guide the student through the project. At the end of the 12 weeks, the student will work with Dr. Leddo (who has over 100 professional publications himself) to write a paper for publication in a professional scientific journal (to date, 100% of our submitted papers have been published and have been read by over 75,000 scientists from around the world). The student will also receive three shares of non-voting stock in METY Technology, so that the student will share in the financial success of the company.
While students can work on their own viable products with the support of the MyEdMaster/METY Technology team, they can also select from one of the following ongoing projects to work on: